Punctuality is an important aspect of education. The students should arrive at the school at least 10 minutes before the first bell rings. The door would be closed at 8:00 a.m and late-comers would have to wait until 8:20 before they are allowed inside. Any student arriving after 8:20 will not be allowed to enter. If students are late for school, their house points will be deducted.
Every student must be habitually clean and must be neatly dressed. Girls may wear a single pair of small earrings. No danglers please. Bangles/ bracelets are not to be worn to school. Henna can be applied on the hands on special festive occasions only. Nails must be short, clean and unvarnished. Hair must be clean, neat and off the face. Hair must be natural (no highlights) The forehead should be clear of fringes. If hair touches the collar it must be tied back or cut short. Long hair (below the shoulders) must be braided for girls. Only black bands or scrunches are allowed.

- In case of change in address or telephone no, the school should be informed promptly in the interest of the child.
- Parents are urged to restrict messages to the children during school hours to those of AN URGENT NATURE. A lot of management and time is required to deliver the messages and left over articles of the students to them.
- Parents are requested to go through the Home-Work Diary regularly for home work and the school activities in the interest of their children.
- Parents must not write in the notebook of their child in any case. If your child has missed some work due to absence, please let the child copy himself or glue a photocopy of another child’s work.
- Please restrict birthday celebrations to cake and/or sweets only. Gifts and eatables should not be brought.
- In the morning, students must be left at the school gate and not accompanied till the classroom.
In the afternoon, the main door will be opened at 13:35 p.m. - Please collect the students from the main gate. If you need to talk to a teacher, please go into the classroom after the students have moved out.
- Parents may talk to/discuss issues with the teacher only after the school is over and not during the working hours.
- Lunch boxes or any other belonging arriving late must be given to the Guardian with the name written and not personally delivered to the child.

Bringing Valuables to school
Valuable articles like expensive watches, costly fountain pens, jewellery, expensive audio-visual equipment and large sums of money should not be brought to the school. If they are lost, the school does not hold itself responsible. However, students of Grade VI and above are permitted to wear watches.
- Uniform :
Regular School uniform for girls comprises of white shirt, Navy blue skirt, tie, white socks and black shoes. - Regular School uniform for boys comprises of white shirt, tie, navy blue short, tie, white socks and black shoes.
- Sports Uniform for girls comprises of school t-shirt, black shorts, white socks and white shoes.
- Sports Uniform for boys comprises of school t-shirt, black shorts, white socks and white shoes. Shoes or socks of no other colour (other than the ones mentioned) will be accepted.
- House T-Shirt (of respective colour) needs to be worn on the days of Inter-House Competitions.
- Navy blue pullovers are to be worn on cold days. No other colour woollen wear will be allowed.