Class Section at a Glance
Classes in IISBenin are divided into three sections – Kindergarten, Primary and senior sections.
Kindergarten consists of children in Playgroup, Nursery, Lower Kindergarten (LKG) and Upper Kindergarten (UKG).
These classes are made up of energetic children between the ages of 2 and 5.
Primary Section
The primary section is made up of Grades 1 to Grade 5.
In these classes, you find students that are alert, attentive and having highly developed imaginations. Their ages range between 5 and 11 years.
Senior Section
In the senior section, the classes go from Grade 6 to Grade 10. Students are between the ages of 11 and 16. They are smart, intelligent and fast developing leadership skills which is a daily part of the IISB’s goal to help develop competent leaders of tomorrow.
School Hours
Playgroup to LKG:
8:00am to 12:00pm
UKG to Grade 5:
8:00am to 13:30pm
Grade 6 to 10 :
8:00am to 14:30pm
Office Hours:
8:00 to 14:00pm
Undesirable Habits
- The following habits are most undesirable.
- Use of abusive language
- Rowdyism and rude behavior in the school or in the bus.
- Hitting, pinching, biting and scratching others especially those who are smaller in age/size.
- Throwing anything at others and such other unmannerly conduct.
- Chewing gum during school hours.
- Being absent from assembly, lessons, sport or activities without permission, Cheating, Dishonesty, Stealing, Insolence or disobedience.